In 2022, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the National College of Technology system.

Colleges of technology (technical colleges) were established in June 36 through a partial revision of the School Education Act, and since the first school opened in April 1961, they have become popular both domestically and internationally. The city continues to produce a wide variety of talented individuals, and currently has 6 technical colleges in both national and private schools.

Furthermore, ``KOSEN'' is a successful educational system unique to Japan, which is attracting keen attention from other countries.
The public, public and private sectors will continue to work together to develop engineers and creators who will be active all over the world, and will lead the way in creating a bright future society.

60th Anniversary Project Logo Mark and Catchphrase Announcement

Introduction to various contests

The National Institute of Technology holds many contests. Robocon, professional contest, design contest, English pre-contest, technical college disaster prevention contest...
All of these will be held as a special 60th anniversary edition. Let's support our students as they take on the challenges of the future.

Request for donations and support

The National Institute of Technology will be celebrating its 4th anniversary in 2022, and we will be taking on various challenges to commemorate the occasion.
We sincerely ask for your continued support in order to complete this 60th anniversary project.
We would like to thank all the graduates and everyone who supported us for understanding the purpose of this event.
We sincerely ask for your support and cooperation in the development of the technical college system.