K-SEC KOSEN Security Educational Center

Cyber ​​attacks continue to evolve in a variety of ways.
On the other hand, from individuals to businesses, government offices, and social infrastructure, there are many
The reception and transmission of information (Internet technology = IT) plays an important role.

In order to protect this important IT from malicious attacks,
We are looking for highly skilled individuals specializing in cybersecurity.
K-SEC plays a part in producing this valuable human resources.

Regarding the establishment of KOSEN Cybersecurity Education Promotion Center

Organizational chart of KOSEN Cybersecurity Education Promotion Center. Center management duties were delegated from the National Institute of Technology Headquarters to the operating schools Kochi National College of Technology and Kisarazu National College of Technology. We maintain and expand our activities to technical colleges nationwide, such as distributing the latest information from Kochi National College of Technology and Kisarazu National College of Technology to 51 technical colleges nationwide, and external organizations, and maintain and expand connections with external organizations.

Examples of past industry-academia collaboration initiatives


Through forming a community and exchanging information among female technical college students, and interacting with working female engineers, we aim to think about careers and improve cybersecurity skills through practical exercises.

cyber security volunteer

We collaborate with the prefectural police headquarters to conduct volunteer activities aimed at developing cyber human resources, raising cybersecurity awareness, and preventing child harm.

KOSEN Security Contest

We hold the KOSEN Security Contest, a national CTF (Capture the Flag) competition for technical college students. The winning team will be given the right to participate in the SECCON CTF finals (domestic CTF competition), and every year more than 100 people from technical colleges across the country participate and compete in cybersecurity technology.

Information exchange meeting with security engineers

By providing joint education support between industry and academia, which combines the National Institute of Technology's track record of producing highly skilled engineers with the latest security technology and knowledge owned by companies, we will develop practical skills that will enable you to be more active in companies than ever before. We will contribute to the development and production of talented human resources.

Class practice, teaching material creation support

We hold workshops, study materials tours, and class tours at K-SEC operating and affiliated schools with the aim of supporting the introduction of the revised MCC's mainly information-related skills.

Contribute to cybersecurity
Possibility of technical college

Technical college students who have access to the latest hardware and software and can receive specialized education from as early as the age of 15 have the potential to contribute to society in the field of cybersecurity in the future.

Human resources that technical colleges continuously produce

  • Outstanding cybersecurity personnel (top personnel)
    We aim to produce top-level technical college graduates with the advanced skills needed as cybersecurity specialists.
    In order for technical college students to acquire more advanced technology, we will collaborate with external cybersecurity specialist organizations to create opportunities for them to be exposed to the latest trends and more advanced technology.
  • Technical college students who systematically acquired security knowledge (plus security personnel)
    In order to become an engineer who can think about ``what should be protected'' in their specialized field, engineers in engineering fields such as machinery, materials, electricity, electronics, chemistry, biology, architecture, construction, commercial shipping, and business should have. Our aim is to help students acquire security awareness and technology, and for information engineers to acquire the cybersecurity technology needed by society.
    We aim to develop human resources (plus security human resources) who have acquired security technology while utilizing IT while performing their primary duties.
Pyramid-shaped organizational chart of 20 technical college graduates nationwide from all specialized departments every year. All technical college students...Security skills that engineers should have. 1% Information system...Security technology that information system engineers should have. XNUMX% Top…Advanced knowledge required as a security specialist

Main activities

  • 1. Collaboration with external organizations related to cybersecurity
    In order to develop technical college students who have acquired cybersecurity knowledge and human resources who have acquired advanced cybersecurity technology, we are collaborating with external organizations such as companies, universities, and public institutions. We will actively hold seminars and contests with the support of external organizations, implement internships, etc., and will also organize the knowledge and skills that students should acquire.
  • 2. Building a community around cybersecurity
    With the aim of continuing high-quality cybersecurity education and invigorating collaboration between teachers, we are working to form a community centered on faculty members participating in teacher training projects. In addition, we aim to actively interact with students through KOSEN security contests, learning events, and other events.
  • 3. Holding contests for students, advanced human resource development courses, etc.
    We hold the KOSEN Security Contest every year, where you can put to use the information science knowledge and cybersecurity techniques you acquired at technical colleges. The best KOSEN team will earn the right to participate in the Japan Security Contest. In addition, we support students to improve their skills by planning advanced human resource development courses and online training sessions in the form of training camps during long vacation periods.
  • 4. Deployment of cybersecurity teaching materials to technical colleges nationwide
    From basic teaching materials for all students to learn the basics of cybersecurity, to teaching materials for information technology students to learn more deeply about information technology, to teaching materials tailored to the specialized field of students entering fields other than information technology. The K-SEC teaching materials site, which can be accessed from technical colleges, not only introduces teaching materials, but also introduces the correspondence between teaching materials and the Model Core Curriculum (MCC) and teaching practices that utilize teaching materials.
  • 5. Holding seminars and workshops for teachers
    In addition to class tours where you can observe special exercises conducted by practical teachers who are active in companies, we will also utilize teaching materials so that teachers in not only the information field but also other specialized fields can incorporate cybersecurity education into their classes. We hold study sessions and class tours to support students. We also hold lectures to raise cybersecurity awareness for faculty and staff across the country, as well as workshops to introduce content that is useful in educational settings.

OB・OG interview


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KOSEN Cyber ​​Security
Education Promotion Center

Official website: https://www.kosen-k.go.jp/Portals/0/K-SEC/


193-0834 Higashiasakawa-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 701-2

Management school

Kochi National College of Technology

783-8508 Monobe Otsu, Nankoku City, Kochi Prefecture 200-1

TEL:088-864-5500 (main)

Kisarazu National College of Technology

292-0041-2 Kiyomidaihigashi, Kisarazu City, Chiba 11-1

TEL:0438-30-4000 (main)