Faculty recruitment

51 National Colleges of Technology/Headquarters Secretariat Teacher Recruitment

This page contains information on faculty recruitment currently open for recruitment at the 51 national technical colleges and the headquarters secretariat.
For detailed teacher recruitment information posted here, please see the recruitment guidelines (links to each technical college's website) or contact the recruiting institution directly.

The National Institute of Technology welcomes applications from women.

In its ``Second Medium-Term Plan,'' the Japan National Institute of Technology states, ``In order to increase the ratio of female faculty, we will consider necessary systems and support measures, and strive to create a comfortable working environment.''
In order to achieve this goal, we have formulated the National Institute of Technology's Gender Equality Action Plan. In addition to aiming to achieve this goal as soon as possible, we will formulate a plan for the recruitment and promotion of female faculty members and actively work on them."

*Open recruitment for women only...Open recruitment for women only *Public recruitment that gives priority to women: Public recruitment that gives priority to women if their evaluations are equal



Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Creative Engineering
(General education department)
Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Department of Creative Engineering
(Mechanical Engineering)
Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
General mechanical engineering
Department of Creative Engineering
(General education department)
Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
English Linguistics, English and American Literature, English Education
Department of Creative Engineering
(Electrical engineering field)
Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Electrical engineering related fields
Department of Creative Engineering
(Architecture field)
Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
architectural structure


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)



Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
General Science Education Department XNUMX associate professor or assistant professor English education
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering Electrical and Information Engineering Course 1 assistant professor Semiconductor/device engineering field
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering Electrical and Information Engineering Course XNUMX associate professor or assistant professor Power Electronics or Power Engineering
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Electrical and Information Engineering Course 1 assistant professor Fields of information engineering, AI/data science, information and communication networks
Department of Industrial Systems Engineering Environmental Urban/Architectural Design Course XNUMX associate professor or assistant professor Construction engineering field


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of General Engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
[1 person]


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Creative Engineering
Digital Design Course
Specially Appointed Faculty Members (Specially Appointed Professors, Specially Appointed Associate Professors, Specially Appointed Assistant Professors)
[Total of 2 people]
A field that combines digital technology with specialization (mechanical, electrical/electronic, information, chemical/biological)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering Assistant Professor, Lecturer or Associate Professor [1 person] Electrical, electronic and information engineering fields
General Subjects Assistant Professor [1 person] Japanese literature, Japanese language studies, Japanese language education, Japanese intellectual history, other fields related to Japanese language

Kanto Shinetsu


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Associate Professor [1 person] Embedded system development technology (including those researching technology applicable to embedded system development) and related computing technology in general
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Assistant professor [1 person] Embedded system development technology (including those researching technology applicable to embedded system development) and related computing technology in general


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
General Subjects (Natural Sciences) Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Mathematics, mathematical and information science in a broad sense
(Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Information Science, Data Science, etc.)
Department of Environmental and Urban Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Civil and architectural engineering in general


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Assistant professor (1 person) Electrical and electronic engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer, or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Fields related to electrical and electronic engineering and information engineering
Department of Environmental and Urban Engineering Teaching assistant
[1 person]
Structural Engineering, Steel Structure, Geotechnical Engineering, Earthquake Engineering
Department of mechanical engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Mechanical engineering, or a combination of mechanical engineering and other fields


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Engineering Information Electronics Lecturer or assistant professor [1 person] All fields related to electrical and electronic engineering (In addition to electrical and electronic engineering-related subjects, I am also responsible for laboratory training, graduation research, special research, etc.)

Tokai Hokuriku


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Electrical and Control Systems Engineering Lecturer or assistant professor [1 person] Electrical and electronic engineering
Department of Electronics and Information Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor [1 person] Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Architectural course Professor, associate professor or lecturer
[1 person]
[Environmental and Information Engineering] Fields related to architectural environmental engineering, architectural production, and architectural information system technology (profession title: professor or associate professor)
[Planning/Information] Fields related to architectural planning, architectural production, and architectural information system technology (job title: Associate Professor or Lecturer)
Department of mechanical engineering Professor, associate professor, lecturer or assistant professor
[1 person]
Robotics or Information Intelligence field
General Education Department Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Health and physical education
Architectural course Lecturer or assistant professor
[1 person]
Fields related to architectural planning, urban planning, and architectural design
Department of General Education Lecturer or assistant professor
[1 person]
Modern Japanese literature, Japanese linguistics, or Japanese language education
Department of mechanical engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Machine materials/material processing or production processing/machine tools field
Department of Environmental and Urban Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
structural engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Assistant or Associate Professor
[1 person]
Electrical and electronic engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Assistant or Associate Professor
[1 person]
Thin Film Devices
Department of Materials Engineering Professor, associate professor or assistant professor
(1 people)
Organic chemistry in a broad sense (organic synthetic chemistry, polymer synthetic chemistry, organic materials science, polymer materials science, physical organic chemistry, biomaterials engineering, pharmaceutical science, chemical biology, biochemistry, computational chemistry, etc.)
Department of Materials Engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Computational chemistry or informatics-based chemistry


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of mechanical engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor [1 person] General mechanical engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor [1 person] Graduates of electrical and electronics departments and related fields such as electrical and electronic engineering, control engineering, and communication and information engineering
General Studies (Chemistry) Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor [1 person] Chemistry-related fields

Toba Maritime Technology

Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)



Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor 1 person (Full-time (non-tenured)) Either the field of information engineering, communication engineering, or electrical engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering Lecturer or 2 assistant professors Information field, electrical and electronic field



Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Science and Engineering, Mechanical Systems 助教、講師または准教授(1名) "Mechanical engineering" or fields related to "mechanical engineering"
Department of Science and Engineering English 助教、講師または准教授(1名) English education, English linguistics, English literature, and other English-related fields

Hiroshima Maritime Technology

Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Merchant Shipping Assistant Professor [1 person] Fields related to mechanical engineering, thermal engineering, or electrical and electronic engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
(1 person)
vibration engineering
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
(1 person)
Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
(1 person)
Information and Intelligence Field
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering Professor, associate professor or assistant professor
(1 person)
Information engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, information and communication engineering, any field
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering Professor, associate professor or assistant professor
(1 person)
All fields related to information engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Materials Engineering 特命助教 1名 データサイエンス,情報処理,その他関連する座学,学生実験
Department of Control and Information Engineering 1 assistant professor 計算機システム分野、マルチメディア情報処理分野
一般科(英語) Part-time lecturer: 2 person 大学初年度程度の英語(TOEIC)の授業とプレゼンテーションなどアウトプットの指
Department of Electrical Engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor 1 person 電力・エネルギー分野またはパワーエレクトロニクス分野
Department of Control and Information Engineering Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Specially Appointed Assistant Professor: 1 person Data science or intelligent informatics
Department of Electrical Engineering 准教授、講師または助教 1名 制御・システム分野または計測工学分野
Department of mechanical engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor 1 person mechatronics
Department of mechanical engineering Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor 1 person Fluid Engineering and Hydraulics Related Subjects
一般科(国語) Part-time lecturer: 1 person
Business Information Department Assistant Professor/Lecturer: 1 person Accounting field

Oshima Maritime Technology

Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)



Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Chemistry Course Lecturer or assistant professor
[1 person]
Physical chemistry or biochemistry related fields
Center for Advanced Information Education Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
[1 person]
A fusion field of mechanical engineering and information engineering (AI and data science)
Center for Advanced Information Education Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
[1 person]
A fusion field of optical engineering and information engineering (AI and data science)
General education (mathematics) Teaching assistant
[1 person]
Fields related to mathematics and information engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
General Education Department Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor (1 person) Algebra, geometry, basic analysis, mathematical analysis, basic mathematics
General Education Department Lecturer or assistant professor (1 person) Japanese literature (preferably ancient or medieval literature)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Applied Biochemistry Lecturer or assistant professor [1 person] Related fields to physical chemistry
Department of Environmental Materials Engineering Assistant professor [1 person] Fields related to organic materials (polymer chemistry, organic chemistry)

Yuge Maritime Technology

Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Information Engineering Teaching assistant
[1 person]


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)



Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Control and Information Engineering Teaching assistant
[1 person]
Information engineering field
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Teaching assistant
[1 person]
Electrical and electronic engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
mechanics course Lecturer or assistant professor [1 person] one of the following
・Mechatronics engineering
・Robot engineering
*Those who can add IoT elements to machine design and promote digital transformation


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Architectural course Associate professor, lecturer, assistant professor (1 person) Architectural structure field or civil engineering structure field or building material field or civil engineering material field


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)
Department of Urban Environmental Design Engineering Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
[1 person]
Fields related to soil mechanics in civil engineering


Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)

Headquarters secretariat

Headquarters secretariat

Subject Job title (personnel) Expertise Application deadline (must arrive)