Technical college events/information sessions
Events and information sessions hosted by each college of technology
Each technical college holds open campuses and school information sessions for junior high school students and their parents.
List of Open Campus Schedules for FY2024
Information on upcoming information sessions and contests
- National, public and private technical college joint information session (KOSEN FES) 2025 The date and venue of the event have been announced.
- KOSEN Security Contest 2024 March 2024, 12 (soil) reminder
- 2024 National College of Technology Women's Forum in Kansai 2024 Held on Sunday, September 2024, 12
- The 9th Decommissioning Creative Robot Contest Held on Saturday, November 2024, 12
About past briefing sessions
- National, public and private technical college joint information session (KOSEN FES) 2024
- National, public and private technical college joint information session (KOSEN FES) 2023
- National, public and private technical college joint information session (KOSEN FES) 2022
- National, public and private technical college joint briefing session 2019
- National, public and private technical college joint briefing session 2018
Events sponsored by the National Institute of Technology
The National College of Technology sponsors the following contests for extracurricular activities.
- Technical College GCON
- Technical College DCON
- Technical College Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Contest
Events hosted by the National Federation of Colleges of Technology
At our technical college, we are involved in the following contests as part of our extracurricular activities.
- National College of Technology Robocon
- Technical college professional computer
- Technical college design computer
- English precon
- Technical college athletic meet
Events sponsored by organizations other than those listed above
At our technical college, we are involved in the following contests as part of our extracurricular activities.