Global engineer fostering program

Global engineer fostering program

In order to develop students as engineers who can play an active role globally (``Global Engineers''), we are focusing on supporting excellent initiatives to improve students' international communication skills and foster the mindset to actively work overseas. We started the "Engineer Training Project" in 2019.

In 6, the program will be implemented at all 51 colleges of technology, and efforts are being made to internationalize college education through a variety of initiatives, including classes in English taught by foreign faculty, as well as international exchange programs such as study abroad and internships.

FY6 Program
Technical college nameBusiness Name
HakodateNurturing tough-minded global engineers who can explore in English
TomakomaiA global engineer training program that aims to cultivate international communication skills and understanding of multicultural coexistence
KushiroA rich program that starts from "I'm not good at English" and gives you the global skills to tackle the challenge
AsahikawaA faculty-staff-integrated international exchange program that utilizes regional characteristics
HachinoheCultivating Global Engineers with an Upward Double Spiral – Cultivating an Autonomous, Equal, and Complementary International Perspective         
IchinosekiICHINOSEKI “The First Penguin Project” ~Launching into the World from the Center of TOHOKU~
SendaiBuilding a global circular education system to foster engineers who can collaborate on the regional future
AkitaFrom Akita to the world! A program to develop practical future engineers with overseas collaboration experience - aiming to become global engineers who will be active around the world -
TsuruokaDeveloping problem-solving skills and language skills to develop human resources who can thrive in a global environment
FukushimaGlobal Human Resource Development Project Connecting Fukushima, Silicon Valley, and the World
IbarakiNurturing engineers who can contribute to creating a sustainable and diverse global society
OyamaOyama College of Technology 4D Program: Nurturing creative engineers with international skills
GunmaNurturing global engineers needed in the new era
KisarazuA project to develop global engineers who will take flight from Boso
TokyoCultivating students with a global perspective through "campus globalization"
NagaokaContinued: Cultivating global talent with practical skills based on the Nagaoka CO-CORE Vision 
ToyamaA university-wide, consistent global human resource development program for students from lower to upper grades
IshikawaIshikawa National College of Technology Global Engineer Development Project
FukuiDevelopment and implementation of a practical technical English education program to develop engineers with servant leadership: Fostering technical English communication skills and an overseas expansion mindset
NaganoA project to develop engineers with international communication skills through an advanced English education program
GifuCultivate students with high self-expression skills through specialized education in English according to grade level and overseas training at overseas partner universities
NumazuHow to be global engineers!
ToyotaDeveloping "premium global engineers" with a global mindset that embraces diversity and the communication skills
TobaFostering business sense through global PBL
SuzukaA program to develop global entrepreneurs who will be active around the world
MaizuruCultivating a global mindset and improving English communication skills
AkashiAkashi National College of Technology On-Campus Global Community Formation Project
NaraProject to strengthen global mindset through university-wide implementation of the Global Engineering Collaborative Education Program
WakayamaCompetency and literacy improvement program for engaging in overseas business
YonagoA program to develop global engineers who can play an active role around the world
MatsueNurturing global engineers with an SDGs mindset
TsuyamaBuilding a practical foreign language education program to develop engineers who can play an active role globally
HiroshimaEarly goal setting and analysis results "visualization" provide feedback on appropriate learning methods and active learning
KureG-STEP 2.0 (Global-minded Student Training and Education Project)
TokuyamaGlobal Engineer Development Project - Communication-based Education -
UbeNurturing global engineers with a strong sense of identity who can contribute to the advancement of global industrial power
(I.e.Developing basic English communication skills to develop global engineers
AnanFostering global engineers through international collaboration
KagawaKagawa National College of Technology Global Engineer Development Project
NiihamaGlobal Social Doctor Training Project to Contribute to Regional Development
YugeNurturing global engineers who will take on the world from Yuge Island
KochiDeveloping engineers with global communication skills
KurumeFrom enrollment to graduation: Seamless, practical English education for developing highly skilled engineers who will play an active role on a global scale
AriakeA multi-stage springboard program to develop students with the ability to identify and solve problems
KitakyushuInitiative to develop the next generation of global engineers with a Kitakyushu mindset         
SaseboA global engineer training program that overcomes the English language barrier by taking advantage of the international and regional characteristics of the region - To foster a strong technical college mindset that can take off into the world -
KumamotoKumamoto National College of Technology First Penguins Project
OitaToyonokuni ONSEN-G Project (ONSEN-G: ON-going SENse of Globalization)
MiyakonojoPromoting strategic business with a focus on global education
KagoshimaA program to develop global engineers with a global mindset and problem-solving skills
Okinawa"Let's put out our output and open the door to the world!"