Alumni Association
Technical college alumni association information
The National Institute of Technology will monitor the status of collaboration with alumni associations, etc. of each national technical college, disseminate this information to each school, and promote the creation of networks with alumni.
■ Alumni Association
For alumni associations at each national technical college, please contact the representative of each school.
■National Federation of Technical College Alumni Associations
Established in 28 as an organization that communicates and collaborates with related organizations for the purpose of exchanging information and collaborating with technical college alumni associations across the country and enriching the technical college system.
National Technical College Alumni Association Official Homepage
■ Human Network National College of Technology
An organization for collaborating with technical college graduates, regardless of the technical college they graduated from, whether national or private. A general meeting is held once a year and a monthly meeting is held.
Human Network National College of Technology Official Homepage
■ General incorporated technical college association
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the technical college system, we established the "General Incorporated Technical College Association" with the aim of making the mutual aid network of all technical college students tangible and carrying out sustainable mutual aid activities. In the future, we will work to boost the technical college from outside, focusing on creating opportunities that are conscious of horizontal connections between technical college students.
Technical College Association Official Homepage
■ Technical college conference
Technical college conferences are presentation-based technical study sessions by technical college students and their graduates, and promote the development and exchange of young engineers through diverse presentations such as IT, industrial design, management, physics, chemistry, etc. We aim to develop.
Technical college conference wiki