Characteristics of the school system of the National Institute of Technology

Characteristics of the school system of the National Institute of Technology

Graduates of Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) who have supported the creation of a technologically creative nation.
Their remarkable success is evidenced by the early specialized education they receive from the age of 15.

A higher education institution that trains practical engineers suitable for the times.

In the late 1950s, Japan's economic growth was remarkable, and there was a growing demand for the training of engineers who could keep up with the further advances in science and technology that supported this growth. In response to these demands from industry, the first National College of Technology (KOSEN) was established in 1962.

Unlike the university education system, Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) currently operate as higher education institutions that accept junior high school graduates and provide integrated education for five years (compared to five and a half years for commercial marine Colleges of Technology (KOSEN)) in order to train engineers needed by society. , there are 5 national Colleges of Technology (KOSEN). National Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) have a 5-year regular course followed by a 51-year specialized course.

At Colleges of Technology (KOSEN), we aim to provide a wide-ranging and rich human education, with a well-balanced study of general subjects such as mathematics, English, and Japanese, as well as specialized subjects. Our specialty is that we provide specialized education that emphasizes experiments and practical training, and are designed to help you acquire specialized knowledge and skills that are almost equivalent to those obtained at university. Graduation research, in particular, aims to develop applied skills that will enable students to become independent engineers, and results in high-quality research that can be presented at academic conferences.

Establishment of system
and background
In 37, a Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) was established as a higher education institution to train practical engineers in response to strong demands from industry.
Revision of the College of Technology (KOSEN) system in 3 (granting title (Associates) after graduation, expanding field of study, creation of specialized course system)
the purpose We teach specialized arts and sciences in depth and develop the skills necessary for the profession.
Training period 5 years for regular course (5 and a half years for Merchant Marine Department), 2 years for major course
Admission target Junior high school graduate
Teacher organization Principal, professor, associate professor, lecturer, assistant professor and assistant
Educational curriculum etc. 1) Effective specialized education is provided through a five-year integrated education program with a wedge-shaped distribution of general subjects and specialized subjects. (The required number of credits for graduation is 5 or more. However, for the Department of Merchant Marine, it is 167 or more.)
2) We use a grade system with 1 students per class.
title Graduates Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) can be referred to as Associates.
Bachelor of Science Students who complete their major can receive a bachelor's degree after being examined by the Japan University Reform Support and Degree Awarding Organization.
A system of Colleges of Technology of technology befitting a nation built on technological creation
  • Consistent specialized education for 5 years (5 and a half years for Merchant Marine Department) starting at an early age after graduating from junior high school
  • Practical technical education that emphasizes experiments, practical training, and practical skills based on theoretical foundations
  • Small class sizes and detailed educational guidance provided by professors, associate professors, and other educational staff.
  • Approximately 10 to 20 times more job offers to graduates, employment rate for job seekers is almost 100%
  • Approximately 4% of graduates go on to major in Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) or transfer to third year university.
Students who have graduated from junior high school enter technical colleges. High school graduates are eligible to transfer to technical colleges. Technical college graduates are eligible to transfer to universities. Graduates of technical colleges are eligible to enter majors at technical colleges. Those who have completed their major and obtained a "bachelor's degree" are eligible for admission to graduate school.
  1. Students who have graduated from junior high school are enrolled.
  2. High school graduates are eligible to transfer to Colleges of Technology (KOSEN).
  3. Graduates of Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) are eligible to transfer to universities.
  4. Graduates of Colleges of Technology (KOSEN) are eligible to enter majors at technical colleges.
  5. Those who have completed their major and obtained a bachelor's degree are eligible to enter graduate school.