Model Core Curriculum
Model Core Curriculum
In order to produce human resources who will play an active role in society and industry in the future, the National Institute of Technology has partially revised the contents of the model core curriculum (draft) formulated in 23 in order to promote fundamental reform of education. We have created a model core curriculum guideline (excluding economics and business) with more enriched content, including the addition of a new Merchant Marine course.

The model core curriculum is the "core" which is the minimum level of ability and content that all students at national technical colleges aim to reach, and the guidelines for further advancing technical college education. It presents a "model".
"Core" specifies basic abilities that engineers should have in common, such as "mathematics," "natural sciences," "humanities and sociology," and "engineering basics," as well as targets for specialized field-specific abilities, including "experiments and practical training." It has been. The ``model'' specifies the goals of cross-disciplinary abilities that engineers should have, such as ``general skills,'' ``attitude and orientation (human ability),'' and ``comprehensive learning experience and creative thinking ability.'' I am. Furthermore, each national technical college provides unique educational programs based on this model core curriculum by adding subjects that take advantage of each school's regional characteristics and characteristics.
In implementing the introduction, each national technical college will compose its curriculum with a thorough awareness of when and what skills are being acquired in the educational program, and will constantly check the student's level of achievement. We provide students with education and guidance tailored to their needs, thereby ensuring the quality of the human resources we produce while making the most of their individuality.
The National Institute of Technology has been implementing a model core curriculum for all students enrolled since 30.
We have formulated the 2023 model core curriculum guidelines (excluding economics and business).

Model Core Curriculum - Guidelines - Separate Volume Economics/Business (Specialized Skills by Field) 2020 edition is posted below.

The 2017 model core curriculum guidelines (excluding economics and business) are posted below.