Information disclosure based on notifications from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications based on accompanying resolutions, etc.

Number of employees by job content

Use of operating expense grant

Details of operating expense grant obligations and current period transfer amount, etc.

Budget estimates and execution results for each group of projects, etc.

Asset holding status

Acquisition and disposal of fixed assets, details of depreciation and accumulated impairment losses

Inventory details

Securities details

Details of long-term loans

● Regarding public announcements regarding expenditures to public interest corporations, etc.

Reiwa 5nd year


Reiwa 4nd year

Reiwa 3nd year

Reiwa 2nd year










Subsidy/transactions, etc. from independent administrative agencies to affiliated corporations, and reemployment status

According to the Plan for Reorganization and Rationalization of Independent Administrative Agencies (Cabinet decision on December 19, 12), "Status of assistance and transactions between independent administrative agencies and affiliated corporations; Regarding the reemployment status,Not applicable to our company.

Disclosure of information related to contracts conducted by independent administrative agencies

● Information related to competitive bidding and voluntary contracts concluded by independent administrative agencies

● When contracting with a corporation that has a certain relationship with an independent administrative agency, the independent administrative agency
Status of reemployment from a corporation to the relevant corporation, status of transactions with the corporation, etc.

Not applicable.

Status of retired civil servants, etc.

Retired civil servants for executives of subsidiaries of the corporation and outsourced companies of a certain size or above.
and the status of retirees from the relevant independent administrative agency, etc.
Not applicable.

Status of efforts regarding procurement rationalization plan

Procurement rationalization plan

Self-evaluation results regarding the progress of the procurement rationalization plan

Summary of deliberations by the Contract Monitoring Committee

Reiwa 5nd year

Reiwa 4nd year

Reiwa 3nd year

Reiwa 2nd year

Year of the reunification






● Guidelines for initiatives regarding public procurement and utilization of subsidies to promote women's active participation

● Regarding contract policies for small and medium-sized enterprises

● Regarding procurement of environmental goods, etc.

● Overview of procurement results for environmentally friendly goods, etc.

● Regarding procurement of goods from employment facilities for persons with disabilities, etc.

Overview of procurement results from employment facilities for persons with disabilities, etc.

● Overview of contracts that take into account the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, etc.