Measures to prevent bullying, etc.
The National Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Agency), as the founder of 51 national technical colleges nationwide, has implemented the "Independent Administrative Agency National College of Technology Bullying Prevention Measures Policy" and the "Independent Administrative Agency National College of Technology Organization Bullying Prevention Measures, etc." We are working to prevent bullying, etc. using the guidelines.
National Institute of Technology Bullying Prevention Policy and Guidelines
National Institute of Technology Bullying Prevention Measures Policy (revised April 2, 4)
National Institute of Technology Bullying Prevention Guidelines (established on April 2, 4)
Implementation of external audit regarding National Institute of Technology's anti-bullying measures, etc.
Since FY3, the National Institute of Technology has established an external audit committee regarding measures to prevent bullying. In order to verify and improve the efforts of each school and technical college organization to prevent bullying, etc., we incorporate evaluations and comments from external experts and implement a PDCA cycle that leads to effective improvements.
Guidelines for the establishment of an external audit committee regarding measures to prevent bullying, etc. of the National Institute of Technology (established on February 4, 2)
External Audit Committee for Measures to Prevent Bullying, etc.
Mamoru Oketani (President, Ikenobo Junior College, Professor, Department of Early Childhood Care, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University of Education)
Mr. Kenji Sakane (Special Professor, Department of Advanced School Education Practice, Graduate School of School Education, Naruto University of Education; Professor Emeritus, Naruto University of Education)
Mariko Mashita (Attorney at Miyamoto International Law Office)
Holding an external audit meeting for measures to prevent institutional bullying, etc.
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 3
Overview: Regarding measures to prevent bullying at the National Institute of Technology, we reported on the efforts since 2 and the status of bullying awareness at each school, and evaluated and verified the efforts.
Date: Monday, June 4, 6
Overview: We reported on the status of each school's efforts in 3 and the organization's analysis, and evaluated and verified the efforts.